As a body-inclusive registered dietitian nutritionist,

I help people think less about food and free up more space to live their lives. I specialize in adult disordered eating and eating disorders, with a practice philosophy informed by Non-Diet, Health at Every Size, and Intuitive Eating teachings. Together, we can improve your relationship to food through compassionate, whole-person nutrition and body image counseling.

Break Up With Diet Culture

Nutrition is not going to “fix” you, because you aren’t broken.

Nutrition is a dangerous science. Popular culture has led us to (falsely) believe that almost every problem can be fixed with “self-discipline” and the “right” food choices. But giving food that much power actually feeds “the food police:” a judgmental, exhausting tape in our minds that shames, questions, and attacks our every dining decision.

I’m not here to be the Food Police; I’m here to help you fight them.

While gentle education in the principles of nutrition can help many of us untangle problems in our energy, digestion, and health, the truth is that we don’t need stacks of information to figure out what our body needs. We don’t need to count or measure every bite we put in our mouth to be healthy. Deep inside, we all have body wisdom that can guide us naturally towards satisfying nourishment. The key is learning to stop listening to the Food Police, and to start tuning in to hunger, fullness, cravings, and other physical sensations. We can then arrive at a place of body trust, knowing that wherever our weight settles when we care for our body with love and respect is indeed our natural weight.

“The perfect is the enemy of the good.”


You don’t need another diet.

By combating food fears and myths, by saying goodbye to the false, toxic weight-loss promises of diet culture, and by separating out food problems from emotional and spiritual problems, we can work together to help you trust your body again and make it your home.

Food is not the enemy here.

Together, as we figure out what types of food and movement make you feel good, I will help you strive for happiness rather than perfection, and I will help you trust yourself first and foremost.  

In the end, our goal is to make food simple again, and to reclaim your birthright of a connected and resilient relationship with your body. By breaking free of diet culture, we can create a world where eating is safe, beautiful and natural: a source of nourishment, power, and strength that brings us together and builds community and culture. 

Join me in fighting the Food Police and creating a more accepting and inclusive world!

Health at Every Size

Dieting doesn’t work. I help people care for the bodies they have rather than trying to change them.

We are told too often that our health and even our worth is determined by our body shape and size, but this just isn’t true. We discover our most authentic health and happiness when we respect our body and treat it with compassion. We all need the same things: nourishing food that tastes good, movement that feels good, and activities that bring us joy. I can help you find these things so that you can focus less energy on food and more energy on living life.

Your body isn’t the problem.

My work is anti-diet and weight inclusive, proudly informed by the body positivity movement and the Health at Every Size (HAES®) philosophy that states that all people have an inalienable right of equal access to unbiased and shame-free healthcare, employment, recreation, and opportunities of all types, regardless of size. Years of research on body weight has proven that our weight, like our height, is not a “choice” and can’t be “controlled” through dieting. In fact, attempts to do so can cause significant harm. In weight inclusive nutrition counseling, we don’t set out to change your weight but to improve your whole-person health and your comfort with living in the body you have. This health journey looks different for each person and is more than just the absence of disease; it includes social and emotional well-being, self-respect, flexible eating, autonomy, pleasure, and life-enhancing movement.

One of the most important steps towards a more comfortable relationship with your body is to realize that the awfulness you might feel inside when you think about your body isn’t you or your body’s fault: it is our culture’s. In our culture, if you live in a larger body, you are told many times throughout life that there is something wrong with you when clothes or chairs or activities don’t fit. You may have even been bullied or teased when you tried to participate in the same pleasures or pursue the same dreams as thinner people. This is weight discrimination and weight stigma, currently socially acceptable forms of prejudice, and this is not ok. It is only natural that weight gain should seem scary to someone in a world that limits opportunities above a certain size. A HAES® approach can help you redirect all that awfulness outwards towards the true problem, diet culture, and will support you as you find your power to fight back and create change.

Let’s take a journey from “weight-loss” to “well-being.”

I can help you redefine what “health” means to encompass your whole, unique self, and reclaim the joy of living life with pleasure and flexibility. In our sessions together, we will challenge your inner (and outer) critics to treat your body with the kindness and respect it deserves. From this place of love and compassion, you can embrace and nurture yourself for the long run; and in the process, create a happier and more fulfilled life.

Body happiness is possible.

For more on the Health at Every Size movement, visit the Association for Size Diversity and Health

For more on the Body Positive approach, visit The Body Positive project.

Intuitive Eating

Learn to live “in” your body, instead of “with” it.

As babies, we enter this world programmed to crave a variety of foods of different tastes and to eat from those foods until our bellies are satisfied. Our cells require an abundance of nutrients to function well, and our brains are wonderfully equipped to signal to us what our bodies need.

From our first day at the dining table we are trained to forget this birthright. Black and white messages about “good” and “bad” foods, pressures to clean our plates or watch our weight, and foods used as reward or punishment confuse and corrupt our natural signals. Over time, we might even forget what those signals sound like.

But those soft whispers of our own body are still there, and by removing external pressures and judgements, we can learn to hear them once again and choose to eat what, when, and how our body really wants.

My job is to help you unfold, not to tell you what to do.

As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I help people make peace with food and connect to internal body wisdom through self-care and attention.

Intuitive Eating is anti-diet and challenges the dangerous idea that by forcing our body to eat a certain way, we can change our size. Instead, Intuitive Eating teaches us to trust our bodies.  By integrating a set of core self-care principles into our eating habits, including permission and non-judgmental awareness, we can create a healthier and more fulfilling relationship to food, mind, and body.

Trust your body and be free.


Eat for pleasure and satisfaction. Eat for yourself.

Human beings are more than just animals, and food is more than just fuel. What we put in our mouth each day can not only give us energy and physical nourishment, but also emotional and spiritual soothing. For many people, the idea of eating “emotionally” can cause anxiety, but when restriction and judgement are removed from the eating experience, eating to bring joy can be, well, joyous, rather than scary. In our work together, we will look at ways in which you might be trying to meet unfulfilled needs with a food band-aid, and how to more permanently and compassionately address those needs, and we will discuss the ways in which food can and should bring joy and pleasure.

By seeking and taking pleasure in the act of eating, we are saying yes to our bodies and yes to what we want and need. Food can be so much more than sustenance: it can connect us to the natural world around us, to our heritage and memories, to beauty, culture, creativity, and to fun. It is natural and ok to take pleasure in finding all of these things at the dining table.

In our work together, we will move from a place of scarcity and restriction to embrace abundance: at the table and beyond.  There is no limit to what we are capable of when our barriers are removed, and I will support you in taking up all the space your spirit deserves. Let’s work together to find your Intuitive Feast.

You are MORE than what you eat.



I Believe that:

Every. Single. Body. Deserves love and respect. Your size determines neither your health nor your worth.

Eating should be pleasurable, playful, abundant, celebratory, and satisfying.

Diets are deeply destructive to physical and emotional well-being. Any time we change what we eat to change how our body looks, we are dieting.

Your “healthy weight” is the weight where your body settles when you are living a life of well-being, and it is possible at any size.

Well-being is not the complete absence of pain or disease. Part of a healthy life is learning the graceful embrace of suffering, which can exist right alongside joy.

Bodies need many kinds of nourishment to thrive: movement, growth, creativity and connection are “food” too.

Self-care is important. This means focusing on our own needs first to care for ourselves physically and emotionally. No one has a right to take this away from us.

“Why” is just as important as “how.” I dig deep in our work together to address root causes with evidence-based nutrition therapy.

Food quality matters, and lack of quality food is a social, not a personal, problem. Quality food is food that was grown, processed, or prepared with care and attention, and that is respectful of the earth and environment. No matter our income level, we all deserve to eat high quality food.

When we eat a feast of nourishing food, we have the strength to reach our best selves and change the world!